Use Cloudflare Images to store, resize and deliver images affordably.
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Cloudflare Images: Review

Use Cloudflare Images to store, resize and deliver images affordably. Resizing: FreeYou can create up to 20 variants. Storage: $5.00 per 100,000 images (prepaid)You only pay for the original image. If you have 10 original images with 5 configured variants, only the 10 original images count towards your storage limit. Delivery: $1.00 per 100,000 images…

RunCloud Review: WordPress/PHP Cloud Server Management Portal
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RunCloud Review: WordPress/PHP Cloud Server Management Portal

Are you tired of dealing with the hassles of server management? You should consider a WordPress/PHP cloud server management solution from RunCloud. RunCloud Overview & Pricing RunCloud is a cloud server management portal that enables you to manage your WordPress powered website. It can also be used for managing other cloud servers like LAMP, NodeJS,…

Decktopus Review: Create beautiful, high-quality document decks with premade templates

Decktopus Review: Create beautiful, high-quality document decks with premade templates

With that big sales proposal coming up, you want a high-quality, professional deck to show off your well-researched content on your website (“10 Reasons Muffins Are Not Cupcakes”). But instead of rehearsing your points, you’ll have to spend hours designing slides, finding the right images, and trying to make everything look perfect and match your…

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