Use Cloudflare Images to store, resize and deliver images affordably.
Use Cloudflare Images to store, resize and deliver images affordably.

Use Cloudflare Images to store, resize and deliver images affordably.

Resizing: Free
You can create up to 20 variants.

Storage: $5.00 per 100,000 images (prepaid)
You only pay for the original image. If you have 10 original images with 5 configured variants, only the 10 original images count towards your storage limit.

Delivery: $1.00 per 100,000 images served (postpaid)
You will only be billed for number of images served.

Use Cloudflare Images to store, resize and deliver images affordably.
Use Cloudflare Images to store, resize and deliver images affordably.

$1 per 100,000 delivered images
Breakdown of delivery costs based on your image sizes:

Image size | Total bandwidth used | Effective cost per GB

10MB = 1000GB = $0.001 per GB

5MB = 500GB = $0.002 per GB

1MB = 100GB = $0.01 per GB

200KB = 20GB = $0.05 per GB

50KB = 5GB = $0.2 per GB

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